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GamerCon Board Games
The CHALLENGER HALL contains a vast array of board games. There is also the opportunity to tryout new games at the Unpub tables. A great chance to meet local game developers and try out their amazing creations up close and personal.
GamerCon Video Games
The RETROCADE features a multitude of retro video games to excite and challenge even the most seasoned gamer. Settle in with the computer and console classics. Battle it out solo or with friends. COME AND PLAY!
GamerCon Role Playing Games
Epic action awaits you in the RPG DEN . An excellent opportunity to venture into the vast world of your imagination. Be a part of the exciting journeys that are created in the RPG DEN each day at GamerCon!
GamerCon Miniature Games
Exciting miniature competition including tournament play. It's your chance to battle against the best. Additionally, the WAR ROOM is headquarters for a miniature painting professional. You can check out the amazing miniature creations and even paint your own pieces.
ARTEMIS Bridge Simulator
Time to man the bridge in the ARTEMIS Bridge simulator. There's exciting action that awaits the intrepid crew. Bring a group of friends or join up with new-found crew members and tackle the adventures that come your way.
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